Hair Oiling? How do I start?

Have you ever heard of hair oiling? I mean I never did. I actually stumbled across the technique (thankfully) after I had exhausted all options. When I say I tried Every.Single.Thing, I really did. Nothing seemed to tame, smooth or thicken my hair. Don't even get me started on the post partum hair loss. 

See I'm a scientist and research is second nature to me. I spent hours upon hours researching sometimes in the middle of the night (thank you baby) until I came across the technique of hair oiling. This ritual is almost as old as time and practised all across the globe.

I went out the next day to find this hair oil that was going to help my dry, thinning and postpartum hair. Until I realised there were no real hair oils with active ingredients out there. They were either full of damaging silicones, chemical laced or too oily and strong in scent. The ones that seemed to be half-good did not contain any active ingredients like peppermint or rosemary oil proven to help and nourish the scalp. 

So, of course the scientist in me went on a mission to formulate my own. Through trials and well more research I came up with the perfect formula. It was the magical result of nature + science.

I used this oil weekly and instantly my hair looked smoother. It was more manageable to style. I did not think much else of it until some time passed and every one I saw asked the same thing. Every single time.

'What did you do to your hair,' 'your hair looks so different.'

That's when I really noticed, it had completely transformed. The texture was smoother, much smoother. The frizz almost eliminated and the regrowth was phenomenal. Where did my thinning patches go. How is this possible? This is MAGIC. No one believed this was the result of oiling until they tried it for themselves. 

See I wouldn't have either. The big brands have been selling me an extravagant 10 step hair care routine to see some, if any, results. How can this magical elixir do so much in so little time.

The truth is, sometimes we need to just turn back to simpler rituals and trust the process. 

I guess you could say I have done the hard work so you don't have to. Magic in a bottle. 

Founder - Sarah